Photo Manipulation and Ethics

A. Some of the main points that I read about in the website were that adjustments that used to take hours to manipulate, now only take seconds. Even though some adjustments to images can be minor (ex: cropping) it is still breaking very important rules.

B.  The philosophy of the newspapers like Washington Post or New York Times regarding image manipulation edited a person in the picture or a thing and made the image unethical.

C. In my opinion, I think cropping an image could be ethical, as long nobody is cropped out of the photo.

D. I think that the image below was the most unethical because the person on the left side of the screen was never actually in the photo until they completely edited him in. I also think it is very unethical is because the fact that they edited the man in was to show their diverse enrollment but the fact that the man was never there, somewhat proves it to be a lie.


E. I think that the image below is the most unethical because it did not add or remove anything. I also think that it is the least unethical because it only changed the skin tone by a few shades instead of darkening or lightening her skin to where she looks like a different person.


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