Extra Credit
1. The man in the photo was pushed into the tracks after he tried to calm down a panhandler who had been harassing passersby. The photographer said that he was able to take the photo because he was flashing the camera trying to warn the train's operator. 2. The photographer said he was able to take the photo because he was there trying to help the main by singnaling the train's operator. 3. Yes and no. Thisis because I think that it was a good idea to shine the flash to get the attetion of somebody on the train, but I do not like how it ended up being the cover photo on magazines because it seems like he is betraying the man he was trying to help. 4. I think he did do the best he could because there was not any time to get to him to lift him out of the tracks and he didn't have many options to warn the train's operator. 5. I don't agree because I think it is disrespectful to publish the photo, especially after he tried to help the man. Also I think it...