
Showing posts from December, 2016

Extra Credit

1. The man in the photo was pushed into the tracks after he tried to calm down a panhandler who had been harassing passersby. The photographer said that he was able to take the photo because he was flashing the camera trying to warn the train's operator. 2. The photographer said he was able to take the photo because he was there trying to help the main by singnaling the train's operator. 3. Yes and no. Thisis because I think that it was a good idea to shine the flash to get the attetion of somebody on the train, but I do not like how it ended up being the cover photo on magazines because it seems like he is betraying the man he was trying to help. 4. I think he did do the best he could because there was not any time to get to him to lift him out of the tracks and he didn't have many options to warn the train's operator. 5. I don't agree because I think it is disrespectful to publish the photo, especially after he tried to help the man. Also I think it...

Magazine Covers


Deadlines, ARGGH!!

1. The word deadline was originally used as a line that did not move. Later on it was used in the civil war meaning a line that did not move. 2. Missing today's deadline would result in a poor grade or a grade that is missing. 3. For the most part deadlines have not been an issue for me because I usually turn things in on time. 4. No, I do not usually miss deadlines on a regular basis. For people who miss deadlines often, I think it's because they either have too much work piling up, or they procrastinate. 5. What kept me from meeting today's deadline was finishing up my "5 Websites" assignment from last class. 6. I plan to finish it over the weekend, and if I don't finish it in time I will let my teacher know once I have finished it so she can change my grade. 1. I think that making a to-do list with the most important tasks at the top might be help me be more efficient, because then I can know what tasks I have yet to do and how important they are. ...

5 Websites

Image       In this website, I looked at 6 different pictures. My favorite picture was the second one which was a picture of a person holding a cup and another person standing far away, looking like they were holding onto the cup. I liked all of these pictures because they were creative, but not anything out of the ordinary. I also really like environmental pictures. This website also informed you on how to make a fake tilt and shift photo, a forced perspective photo, a long exposure landscape photo, a digital infrared photo, a 360 degree polar panorama, and a double exposure portrait photo. One new thing that I learned was that in replacement of a tilt shift lens, you can do a fake tilt shift although it's not as effective as the lens.         I picked this photo because it is unique and it makes you look at the picture a different way than you would with others. I ...

Magazine Cover Images

Portrait Self Portrait

Portraits and Self Portraits

Portrait Self Portrait

Top 100 of All time

V-J Day in Times Square 1. I chose this picture because it is a very famous picture and I wanted to know more about the story behind the picture. What caught my eye was how every person in this picture was joyful and smiles were shown across their faces. 2. This photograph was taken at the end of WWII. The photographer, Alfred Eisenstaedt searched for subjects he captured the picture of a joyous and passionate moment, and the picture has been famous ever since. 3. When I first saw the picture I was unaware that the sailor in the photograph hadn't know the nurse, and had just kissed her randomly. Because of this some people think of it as sexual assault while others think of it as an act of excitement and relief in a happy moment. 4.          5.  Alfred Eisenstaedt was born in Tczew, Poland on December 6, 1898 and died August 23, 1995. He was educated at Humboldt University of Berlin. A Man On The Moon 1. This caught my eye bec...