Season 2 Episode 3 "Misunderstood Predators- Part 1" 1. The photographer of the episode "Misunderstood Predators" is Eric Cheng. He is an under water photographer that takes pictures of aquatic predators in their environments. He photographs creatures who are "misunderstood" because people can view them as dangerous predators but what Cheng does is prove that they are actually quite friendly and calm in their environment when they don't feel threatened. 2. One thing that I found most interesting about this episode was how he didn't at all seem frightened, but only fascinated. I know that his purpose of taking these photos was to prove that the predators were not harmful, just misunderstood, but I would still be a little scared taking pictures of an anaconda. 3. One thing I learned from this episode is that it takes a lot of patience to photograph what you want to capture pictures of. This is because he had to be very patient while waiting ...